
The following events, meetings and activities are organised by Churches Together in Hexham or different Churches in Hexham. For more information click on the event you are interested in.

Event Information:

  • Fri

    A Christian Response to Climate Change

    7 to 9.30 pmQueen Elizabeth High School - Main Hall

    An interesting, varied and inspiring combination of short films,

    with opportunity for questions and light refreshments

    chaired by  David W Golding CBE PhD DSc DCL

    Associate , Institute for Sustainability and Honorary Chaplain, Newcastle University

    Wise words from two Christians, both of whom were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize:

    "I urge you all to work together to find sustainable solutions to avert a catastrophe that will exacerbate human suffering to a magnitude that perhaps the world has not yet seen." (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

    “Not too long from now, I want our children to look back on this time, and ask: ‘How did you find the moral courage to successfully address a crisis that so many said was impossible?’” (Al Gore)