Over the past few years we have been privileged to see God drawing churches together across the Tyne Valley and growing a movement of prayer and stronger relationships between us
Recently the Gate Church in Prudhoe invited Emma Stark of the Glasgow Prophetic Centre to speak at an open gathering of local Leaders and Christians and to share with us what she feels God is saying and doing both within our nation and the immediate region. Two specific messages were given about the Tyne Valley, a summary is attached. For a complete recording of afternoon and evening meetings and pdf version of the full prophetic word visit:http://thegatechurch.org.uk/downloads
Having prayed and reflected together, we believe that these prophetic words are trustworthy and credible, and that they represent an exciting stimulus to the churches of the Tyne Valley to move us to pray and act in response.
We would like to invite you and those in your congregation who share this desire to see God at work more powerfully among us, to join us for an evening of prayer on Friday 25th January at 7.30pm, at the Gate Church, Prudhoe. see attachment. The evening will involve further opportunity to reflect upon what each of us feels God is saying about what he is doing and plans to do among us, and praying and acting in response.
We believe that as we worship, pray and share our faith together, we will see God increasingly working in power among us and the spiritual climate in this beautiful valley changing. Please display the attached poster and join us for a great evening.